header textAI Bookmarker

Optimize Your Bookmarking with AI-Powered Tools

This is a free and powerful browser bookmark plugin that helps you Automatically Generated Tags & Summaries.

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Automatically Generated Tags & Summaries,

Multi-AI Model Support,Cloud Backup and Full-Text Search for Bookmarks.
Supports gpt-4o, gemini-1.5-flash, claude-3-5-sonnet, qwen-long, deepseek-chat, llama3-8b-8192, moonshot and more than 10 models
Sync Your Bookmarks with Notion.



Begin Your Exploration Journey
$0/ month
  • 20 bookmarks free creation
  • Support AI generated tags
  • Summary of supporting AI-generated bookmarks
  • Full-text search
  • Support import and export bookmarks


Annual Membership
$19.99/ year
  • Unlimited bookmark creation
  • Support AI generated tags
  • Summary of supporting AI-generated bookmarks
  • Full-text search
  • Support import and export bookmarks
  • Support backup to Cloudflare R2
  • Support backup to Notion


Monthly Membership
$1.99/ month
  • Unlimited bookmark creation
  • Support AI generated tags
  • Summary of supporting AI-generated bookmarks
  • Full-text search
  • Support import and export bookmarks
  • Support backup to Cloudflare R2
  • Support backup to Notion


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common questions.