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Optimize Your Bookmarking with AI-Powered Tools

This is a free and powerful browser bookmark plugin that helps you Automatically Generated Tags & Summaries.

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Automatically Generated Tags & Summaries,

Multi-AI Model Support,Cloud Backup and Full-Text Search for Bookmarks.
Supports gpt-4o, gemini-1.5-flash, claude-3-5-sonnet, qwen-long, deepseek-chat, llama3-8b-8192, moonshot and more than 10 models
Sync Your Bookmarks with Notion.


All users can use the basic package for free daily after logging in. You can upgrade to a membership for more benefits.

Data Security

All data is stored in the user's browser. API keys for large models are directly called from the client, without going through the server.

Multi-AI Model Support

Supports GPT, Claude, Gemini, and dozens of other large models, allowing flexible switching according to your needs.



Begin Your Exploration Journey
$0/ month
  • 20 bookmarks free creation
  • Support AI generated tags
  • Summary of supporting AI-generated bookmarks
  • Full-text search
  • Support import and export bookmarks


Annual Membership
$19.99/ year
  • Unlimited bookmark creation
  • Support AI generated tags
  • Summary of supporting AI-generated bookmarks
  • Full-text search
  • Support import and export bookmarks
  • Support backup to Cloudflare R2
  • Support backup to Notion


Monthly Membership
$1.99/ month
  • Unlimited bookmark creation
  • Support AI generated tags
  • Summary of supporting AI-generated bookmarks
  • Full-text search
  • Support import and export bookmarks
  • Support backup to Cloudflare R2
  • Support backup to Notion


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common questions.

What is AI Bookmark?

AI Bookmark is a browser extension with AI capabilities that automatically tags, categorizes, and generates summary content using AI models.

Where can I use the AI Bookmark extension?

The AI Bookmark extension currently supports Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and other browsers.

Why choose our AI Bookmark extension?

Our AI Bookmark extension is free and powerful, perfect for users who need to improve efficiency. It simplifies the process of creating bookmarks by automatically generating titles, tags, and summary content.

How do I connect to and use AI models?

Open the plugin's configuration page, select different AI models, and simply enter the corresponding AI model API KEY to connect.

How do I obtain an AI model API KEY?

You need to log in to the developer center of the AI model provider and follow the official documentation to obtain it. For example: https://platform.openai.com/docs/quickstart

Is my API KEY safe?

Yes, our plugin will not upload your API KEY to the server. Your API KEY will only be stored in your browser client.

What should I do if I encounter issues using the plugin?

If you encounter any issues while using the plugin, please contact us via email at [email protected].